Configuration information for CM Synergy / Continuus CM

Here is a quick overview of the steps to installing and running Uniface with ClearCase using UD6/CMtool Driver. Each step is explained in more detail if you click on the links that are provided.

Clicking on this ICON will start the initial synchronisation of signatures and diagram.

Configuration Files

Joins File
ASN file

How to use the driver with CM Synergy / Continuus CM (cont.)

Taking control in CM Synergy
Releasing a form using CM Synergy
Checking a form in using CM Synergy
Adding a form using CM Synergy
Finding the differences in versions using CM Synergy
Problems when using CM Synergy

UD6 Overview
A methodology to Uniface source code control
Using UD6/CMtool and Uniface with CM Synergy.

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