Step 3: Perform final import into UD6.

Before performing this step ensure that you have completed Step 1 and Step 2.

Transfer the current source code in the Uniface repository into Version Control:

For example, if you are using CVS your commands would be similar to these:

md workdir
cd workdir
cvs co uniface
idf.exe /asn=old.asn /cpy idf:*.dict trx:final_export.trx

An example driver setting for the import ASN file would be:

*.dict $idf:.\sources\other\*.*

USYS$UD6_PARAMS=nokeycheck,nouvers,noemptytrig,nocompstamp,notimestamp,forcedate 2001-03-02T09:00:00,xmlschema ie5, mmf binary font 51,notrx,xsl ie5,config .\settings, option pack d:\userdlls\tableau\7204\mhgfp140.dll

Finalise the process by importing the final trx file and updating the version control

idf.exe /asn=new.asn /cpy trx:final_export.trx idf:
cvs commit -m "Final import of source code" uniface

NOTE: cvs commit will report if any new files have been added since the last import. These will need to be added with cvs add.

For more information about the converting from UVCS to CVS see:

Step 1 Load UVCS into UD6.
Step 2 Migrate the historical information.
Step 3 Perform final import into UD6.
uvcs2cvs.exe Copies historical UVCS information into UD6 repository files.

$Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2003/07/16 00:34:56 $[go to top]